-Berlin author-
Marcus Schütz

Fathom Depth was the preprint of the first part of Miles Away (now part I of Miles Away).
The work was chosen by neobooks as the monthly favorite for January 2017 .
A mundane family vacation to the Polish Marienburg turns into a life-threatening adventure around the sanctuary/tresuare of the Knights Templar, which makes the teenagers Sophia, Marek and Lukas grow up faster than they'd like.
Sophia disappears ... [ger.]
epubli 2016

A journey through sex, drugs & excommunism
During his lonely shift in the Australian gene laboratory, the young scientist takes the reader on a crazy journey through the 20th century. He talks, tells, interprets and compares exactly how his beak grew. His wonderful chaos of thoughts is about science, travel, stay abroad, hedonism, extreme sports, adventure, politics, Germany after the fall of the wall, disease, global surfing. The counterpoint to the bubbling stories is the cookbook-like sequence of the experiments. The laboratory remains the listener and place of action and, as an instruction, stands in stark contrast to the casual soliloqium of an East Berliner. [ger.]
ePubli Holtzbrinck Digital Content Group, Berlin 2019

inCredible Patients
In practice, the therapist gets to know incredible patients. Anecdotes that will hardly make you smile. Read in 34 stories what rushes through a therapist's mind and senses when the patient is lying on the couch.
Delicious reading pleasure from the perspective of the doctor or alternative practitioner. [ger.]
ePubli Holtzbrinck Digital Content Group, Berlin 2014

BRANDENBURG - Distance and Proximity
In 220 color aerial and ground photos by Thomas Bach, this illustrated book tries to trace the historical, cultural and scenic-geographical portrait of a country that for a short but breathtaking time was the area of tension and focus of European history. From Tacitus to Fontane to the present day. [ger.]
Luci Großer Verlag, Berlin 1993.

Leonhard Schaufelberger (1839-1894)
Biography of the Swiss architect Leonhard Schaufeberger, who in St. Petersburg as head master of the Imperial Porcelain Manufactory made the porcelain for the Tsars Alexander II and III. He married an illegitimate daughter of tsar Alexander II . His son Arnold Schaufelberger, as an accredited stockbroker from St. Petersburg, was sentenced to a labor camp on the Gulag Solowki archipelago at the end of the NEP period. His 1929 report on Solowki is attached.
(To the 265th anniversary of the creation of Imperial Porcelain Manufactory in St. Petersburg. Leading Porcelain Masters of the Romanov's House in Materials from their Family Archives.)
St. Petersburg Publishing House of the Polytechnical University, 2009 [ru./eng.]

Fathom Depth was the preprint of the first part of Miles Away (now part I of Miles Away).
The work was chosen by neobooks as the monthly favorite for January 2017 .
A mundane family vacation to the Polish Marienburg turns into a life-threatening adventure around the sanctuary/tresuare of the Knights Templar, which makes the teenagers Sophia, Marek and Lukas grow up faster than they'd like.
Sophia disappears ... [ger.]
epubli 2016